I finally got around to attempting to install the jets that came with Norman Hyde exhaust I bought and installed after I bought the cycle. I was hoping to do this without actually having to remove the carbs from the engine, but unfortunately, the stock carb bowl screws are made of butter instead of metal. I managed to get most of the them off, but of course I needed to get all of them, and the ones that are nearly impossible to get to weren't cooperating at all. Only one carb ended up getting re-jetted, so I was stuck.
So pulled off the tank, yanked out the carbs and installed the left side jet. It was easier than I expected to get all of this disassembled and put back together. There were a couple of annoying clamps and hoses to get free, but all-in-all, a not too painful experience.

I also took the opportunity to drop in some new plugs and re-adjust the carb mixture screws. I re-synched the carbs and tomorrow I'll try to see if any of this will help solve my rough idle problem. At this point, the only things I can think of changing are the carb mix screws or replacing worn out rubber. This was a fun project! Nice to tear it down ia little and see what's really goin' on.

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